Bed Bug Casings, Skins, and Shells – Dealing with Bed Bugs - Victory Pest Defense

Bed Bug Casings, Skins, and Shells – Dealing with Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Casings, Skins, and Shells – Dealing with Bed Bugs

If you’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with a bed bug infestation, you know just how frustrating and stressful it can be. These tiny pests can wreak havoc on your home and your peace of mind. One of the telltale signs of a bed bug infestation is the presence of bed bug casings, skins, or shells. Understanding what these look like and what to do if you find them is crucial in effectively dealing with a bed bug problem.

Understanding Bed Bug Life Cycle

Before we dive into the specifics of bed bug casings, skins, and shells, it’s important to have a basic understanding of the bed bug life cycle. Bed bugs go through a process called incomplete metamorphosis, which means they develop through several stages before reaching adulthood. The life cycle consists of egg, nymph, and adult stages. Bed bugs shed their exoskeletons, or outer shells, as they grow and molt from one stage to the next. It’s these sheddings that we commonly refer to as casings, skins, or shells.

What Do Bed Bug Casings, Skins, And Shells
Look Like?

Bed bug casings, skins, and shells are translucent and amber-colored. They are usually found in areas where bed bugs hide, such as mattress seams, cracks in furniture, and behind baseboards. These discarded exoskeletons are empty, as the bed bug has already emerged from them. They are typically about the size of a bed bug, ranging from 1 to 5 millimeters in length. If you come across these casings, it’s a clear indication that bed bugs are present in your home.

Signs Of A Bed Bug Infestation

While bed bug casings, skins, and shells are a definite sign of a bed bug infestation, there are other signs you should be aware of as well. These include:

  • Bites: Bed bugs feed on human blood, and their bites often leave behind itchy, red welts on the skin.
  • Bloodstains: You may notice small bloodstains on your sheets or pillowcases from bed bugs being crushed after feeding.
  • Fecal stains: Bed bugs also leave behind dark, rust-colored stains on bedding or furniture, which is their excrement.

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take immediate action to prevent the infestation from spreading.

How To Properly Identify Bed Bug Casings, Skins, And Shells

Properly identifying bed bug casings, skins, and shells is essential in confirming the presence of these pests. Start by carefully inspecting areas where bed bugs are likely to hide, such as the seams of your mattress, the crevices of furniture, and cracks in walls or baseboards. Look for the translucent, amber-colored casings, which are usually clustered together. Use a magnifying glass if necessary to get a closer look. If you’re unsure whether what you’ve found is a bed bug casing, skin, or shell, consult with a professional pest control company for confirmation.

Steps To Take If You Find Bed Bug Casings, Skins, Or Shells

Discovering bed bug casings, skins, or shells in your home can be alarming, but it’s important to stay calm and take immediate action. Follow these steps to effectively address the issue:

  • Isolate infested items: Place any infested items, such as bedding or clothing, into sealed plastic bags to prevent the spread of bed bugs to other areas of your home.
  • Vacuum thoroughly: Use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter to vacuum all areas where bed bugs may be hiding, including mattresses, furniture, and cracks in walls or baseboards. Empty the vacuum bag or canister into a sealed plastic bag and dispose of it outside.
  • Wash and dry on high heat: Launder all infested items, including bedding, curtains, and clothing, in hot water and dry them on the highest heat setting. This will kill any remaining bed bugs or eggs.
  • Use a mattress encasement: Invest in a high-quality mattress encasement that is specifically designed to keep bed bugs out. This will prevent bed bugs from infesting your mattress and make it easier to detect any future infestations.
  • Consult with a professional: If your efforts to eliminate the bed bugs on your own are unsuccessful, it’s time to seek help from a professional pest control company. They have the knowledge and tools to effectively exterminate bed bugs and prevent future infestations.

Preventing Bed Bug Infestations

Prevention is key when it comes to bed bugs. Here are some measures you can take to reduce the risk of infestation:

  • Inspect secondhand items: Before bringing used furniture or clothing into your home, thoroughly inspect it for any signs of bed bugs.
  • Reduce clutter: Clutter provides hiding places for bed bugs, so keep your home tidy and minimize the amount of clutter.
  • Seal cracks and crevices: Seal any cracks or crevices in walls, baseboards, and furniture where bed bugs can hide.
  • Regularly clean and vacuum: Regularly clean and vacuum your home to remove any potential hiding spots for bed bugs.

Professional Bed Bug Extermination Services

If your bed bug infestation is severe or DIY methods have proven ineffective, it’s time to call in the professionals. Professional pest control companies have specialized treatments and techniques to eradicate bed bugs and prevent future infestations. They will assess the extent of the infestation, develop a customized treatment plan, and ensure that your home is bed bug-free.

DIY Methods For Treating Bed Bug Infestations

While professional help is often necessary for severe infestations, there are some DIY methods you can try for smaller, localized infestations. These include:

  • Steam treatment: Bed bugs are sensitive to heat, so using a steam cleaner on infested areas can help kill them.
  • Diatomaceous earth: Sprinkling diatomaceous earth, a natural powder made from fossilized algae, in cracks and crevices can dehydrate and kill bed bugs.
  • Cold treatment: Bed bugs are also sensitive to extreme cold. Placing infested items in a freezer for a few days can help kill them.

Remember, these methods may not be as effective as professional treatments, so it’s important to monitor the situation closely and seek professional help if needed.


Discovering bed bug casings, skins, or shells in your home can be unsettling, but with the right knowledge and action, you can effectively deal with a bed bug infestation. Take the time to properly identify the casings, skins, or shells, and follow the necessary steps to eliminate bed bugs from your home. If DIY methods prove unsuccessful, don’t hesitate to contact a professional pest control company like Victory Pest Defense. They have the expertise and tools to rid your home of bed bugs and provide you with peace of mind. Contact us today for a free quote and take control of your bed bug problem.