How to Effectively Identify and Combat a Wasp Infestation - Victory Pest Defense

How to Effectively Identify and Combat a Wasp Infestation

March 18, 2024 Victory Pest Defense Wasps
How to Effectively Identify and Combat a Wasp Infestation

Wasps, with their slender bodies and distinctive yellow coloring, serve as nature’s pest controllers and pollinators, yet a wasp infestation at home is a concern for safety and comfort. Nests, constructed from a paper-like substance made of chewed plant and wood fibers, can be found in a variety of locations, such as branches or eaves, posing a risk particularly for individuals with allergies.

To combat the threat of house wasps and ensure your home remains wasp-free, this article will arm you with the knowledge to identify and address a wasp infestation. From prevention tactics to safe removal techniques and long-term strategies, we’ll provide clear, actionable guidance to tackle the wasp nest on your house and safeguard against future wasp infestations.

What Draws Wasps To Your Home

You may not realize it, but your home offers a smorgasbord of food for wasps. They love protein and sugar, just like we do. Summer picnics are their favorite, so be mindful when food is being prepared in or around your home!

  • Sweet Temptations: Your garden’s nectar-rich, bright-colored flowers are like neon signs for wasps, signaling a delicious meal. Similarly, sweet scents from sodas to scented candles can draw them in.
  • Pick Your Protein: Pet food that your dog knocked behind the cabinet, food scraps from barbeques, and unsealed garbage cans provide protein for wasps, which is useful to them when building nests and feeding their queen. 
  • Nooks and Crannies: Eaves and overhangs provide wasps shelter for their nests, away from predators (namely birds) and the elements. 
  • Pest Diner: Existing pest problems in your home, like ants or spiders? They’re like a side dish for wasps, offering additional nourishment.
  • Trash Access: Easy access to trash is like an open-invitation for these uninvited critters.
  • Moisture Retreats: Moisture issues near your foundation create an oasis for wasps, so fixing leaks and trimming vegetation are akin to shutting down their spa.

    By removing these attractants, you’re essentially putting up a “Closed for Business” sign for wasps, making your home less enticing for their infestation. Keep in mind, as seasons change, so do their preferences—shifting from proteins to sweets, just as we swap salads for pumpkin spice when fall arrives.

Preventing Wasp Infestations

Preventing a wasp infestation is like setting up a no-fly zone around your home – it’s all about making your space less inviting to these winged invaders. Start by sealing the doorways to their potential homes:

  • Sealing Gaps:
    • Inspect the exterior of your house for cracks and crevices.
    • Use caulk or expandable foam to seal any openings, especially around windows and eaves.
    • Consider installing screens over vents and other larger openings.
  • Keep Food Away:
    • Keep outdoor eating areas clean; promptly dispose of food scraps and wipe down surfaces.
    • Use tight-fitting lids on trash cans to cut off the scent trail.
    • Regularly harvest ripe fruits and vegetables to prevent a sweet, fermented siren call.
  • Natural Deterrents:
    • Plant wasp-repelling flora like mint and eucalyptus near outdoor living spaces.
    • Dab peppermint oil around picnic areas; wasps dislike the minty freshness.
    • Deploy decoys: hang a fake wasp nest or use reflective surfaces to confuse scout wasps.

      By following these steps, you’re not just deterring house wasps; you’re fortifying your home against future winged onslaughts. Keep your eyes peeled for early signs of a wasp nest on your house, and remember, the best offense is a good defense when it comes to wasp infestations.

Safe Removal Of Wasps Infestations

When a wasp infestation buzzes into your life, it’s like an uninvited guest crashing your summer barbecue – unwanted and potentially dangerous. Here’s how to show them the door, safely:

  • Call the Professionals: Suspect a wasp nest on your house? Don’t be a hero – contact a local pest control professional. They’re the knights in shining armor for your wasp woes, offering safe and effective treatment, especially for the bolder breeds like yellow jackets and bald-faced hornets.
  • Nighttime Missions: Wasps are less active after dark, so if you’re planning a DIY removal, suit up in protective gear and approach the nest under the cloak of night. But remember, even sleepy wasps can pack a punch, so proceed with caution or better yet, leave it to the pros.
  • DIY Discretion: If the nest is small enough, you might be able to handle it on your own! Arm yourself with a can of wasp spray, a broom, and protective clothing, and you can possibly remove the nest without calling for help. For those hard-to-reach places, or if you’re allergic, wave the white flag and call in the cavalry – your friendly neighborhood exterminator.

    Remember, when it comes to wasp infestations, it’s not just about winning the battle, it’s about ensuring peace in your backyard kingdom.

Wasp Control In The Long Term

Understanding the behavior of wasps can be quite simple, once you know their game plan. Enter the house in cracks, build nests in spots safe from the elements and predators, find sugar and meat for their queen. Once you know these,it’s simple to guess their next move if you have a good handle on what’s going down in your kitchen. 

  • Observe Before Acting: If you spot a wasp nest, take a moment to watch from a safe distance. Wasps can be nature’s pest control agents, munching away on insects that you’d rather not have around. If the nest isn’t posing a threat, it might be just fine to leave it be, like a silent guardian keeping watch over your garden.
  • Preventive Landscaping: Your yard is the stage, and how you set it can encourage or discourage wasps from visiting. Trim back bushes and trees regularly to reduce cozy nesting spots. Opt for plants that don’t attract wasps, and consider placing decoy nests to signal that the territory is already claimed.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep your castle fortified by repairing any damages to exterior walls and roof eaves promptly. Wasps look for easy entry points, so by sealing gaps and maintaining screens, you’re pulling up the drawbridge against these winged invaders.


If you need help evicting these stinging invaders, look no further than Victory Pest Defense. With a comprehensive approach customized for each home, we can remove wasps from your Arizona home and keep them gone for good. Contact us today to get your free consultation!